Monday, December 4, 2017

The President, the Media and Gun Control.

The President

Last November, I was asked to appear on a local Fox News show called Let it Rip. I went on to debate an Islamic Imam and a controversial minister from Detroit. I was billed as a conservative that had predicted Trump would win the election. I had predicted it on a radio station, WJR, the week before the election. While the other two guests were bashing Trump, I suggested that they wait till Mr. Trump gets into office and actually does something before they attack him. I actually got along well with both guests and they both praised me for being fair and even tempered through the discussions. Almost a year into his presidency, he is controversial as ever. Say what you will about him, the economy is strong, the stock market is at all time highs and we are finally starting to reign in illegal immigrants.

The Media

As I mentioned in my last blog post, the media made him and tried....and is still trying to destroy and dethrone him. They've gone to and continue to go to extraordinary and in many cases unethical and immoral means to depose him. Hence the term fake news. It's unfortunate, but I  like a lot of Americans can't watch shows like SNL, Jimmy Fallon and the guy that comes on after him and Kimmel. All they do is attack Trump, non stop. Too bad they weren't as critical of Obama. If it wasn't so tragic, the nuclear deal he made with Iran could have made for a funny SNL skit. Obama to the Iranian leaders " Look I've got a great deal for you guys. Even though you guys hate America and chant Death to America every day, how about I give you $150 Billion if you agree not to build any nuclear weapons for a few years? And I'll let you inspect yourselves." Where was the media on this? They were  busy doing other things: Matt Laur, Charlie Rose. etc.

Gun Control

I told this story on WJR radio a couple of years ago. I watch a lot of old tv shows. On an episode of the Rifleman starring Chuck Connors, the town Marshall, Micah Torrence, played by veteran character actor Paul Fix who incidentally was a friend and mentor to fellow actor John Wayne, had to go out of town. The town blacksmith, Nils, begged  Micah to let him be the Marshall while he was out of town. Micah reluctantly agreed. Nils had a great idea: if he took away all the guns from the towns people, there would be no crime because no one would have a gun. Reluctantly, the people of the  western hamlet turned in their guns to the temporary law officer. Now who could have foreseen  this.....some bad guys rode into town and they didn't want to give up their guns. In fact they took the  Marshall hostage and put him in his own jail! Well this dilemma and the episode was concluded by Mr. Connors and his custom built Winchester rifle.

Moral of the story and the episode....The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. It's really that simple folks.

Well that's my sermon on the mount for this year. Be safe, use common sense and have a great holiday.