Saturday, December 27, 2014

2014...A year I would mostly like to forget.


The older I get, the more life seems to be about transition. As the adage goes, the only constant is change. Earlier this year I lost both of my parents in a short span of time. Specifically my mom, January 31 and dad February 11. Life is short and fleeting. My mom was a kind, loving woman who was kind to everyone she met. She was a big fan of mine. She carried a copy of my book in her purse and would mention it to anyone that would listen. My dad was a hard worker and a decorated WW2 combat Veteran. My parents lived into their late 80's and are hopefully in a better place now. At a recent dinner the host asked if anything unusual had happened to us this year. My parents passing was unusual but luckily something that only happens once in your lifetime. There are so many things we can't control in life. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches and keep taking positive action, every day and every way you can. So much for the Sermon on the Mount....


Or as I like to call it, the Unaffordable Healthcare Act. I suppose some people saw their premiums go down this year, but not the ones I talked to. One of my health insurance clients saw a huge rate increase this year. When I asked the carrier who had previously had some of the lowest rates in the market why they were raising their rates, I was told that Obamacare allowed them to! It should be interesting when the subsidies some people are getting begin to evaporate. And with these high deductibles, many with health insurance can't afford to go to the doctor.

You never know about people...

Bill Cosby. His legacy is tarnished if not ruined for life. Why did he have to drug those women...if in fact, that is what he did. Although you wonder why it took so long for those women to come forward.
And then there's Stephen Collins who played a minister on television but molested some kids.
I guess we all have a dark side. Let's hope we show more light than darkness in our lives.

Moving Forward

Stay Positive. Take action. Years ago when my book, Patrick Gilligan Says Be Your Own Boss! came out I was a guest on a lot of talk shows. One host invited me to her book club at her home. As I sat and listened to the dozen or so would-be authors gripe and moan about their literary efforts, some having worked on their books for years, I said " look, you guys are probably all better writers than I am, but I'm the only published author in the room." Move confidently toward your goals everyday!
Make it a great 2015!