Sunday, December 26, 2010

2010 In Review

2010 is almost over. Interesting year. Let's review:

The Economy: Many reports indicate that 2011 will be a better year. I hope so. Some economists have said that the deepest recession since the Great Depession is over. I still contend that unemployment and outsourcing of American jobs are the biggest problems facing the economy and this country.
This has been called a jobless recovery. A jobless recovery! Who are they trying to kid? With 10% of the workforce out of a job, how can the economy rebound? If people are out of work and they don't have disposable income, how can they purchase goods and services to grow the economy?

Politics: When things get worse under the Democrats-we throw the bums out. And when things get worse under Republicans-we throw the bums out. If these elected officals looked out for the American people instead of the special interest groups and lobbyists that own them-they might accomplish something.

Health Care Reform: As I've said before, something had to be done. Don't forget that more and more people are losing their health insurance everyday! Although I don't like the idea of being forced to buy health insurance. The courts are divided on that provision of the law. But removing pre-existing condition clauses and limits on coverage are among the many pluses of the bill.

Entertainment: Hollywood seems addicted to remakes these days. I hate it when they remake a movie they have no business remaking like True Grit. Jeff Bridges is no John Wayne! I'd urge those that saw the remake to view the original. No comparison. Now Hawaii Five O. The only thing the new show has in common with the original is that it is set in Hawaii. Don't get me wrong, it's a good show. When I watch it, I look at it as another crime show set in Hawaii. It's not Hawaii Five O! While we're at it, I don't like the new James Bond.(I know he's had the role for a while now, but I wasn't doing my blog then) This guy is basically a thug. If you want to make movies with him, fine-just don't call him James Bond.
As for Dancing with the Stars, when was Bristol Palin ever a star? I must have missed that.

It's always good to be optimistic about the future, at least it will make you feel better. Let me close with my signature close from my radio and television programs.Folks, remember if you can imagine it. you can achieve it, if you can dream it you can become it! I'm Patrick Gilligan, and I'll see you next time. Make it a a Great Year.